Privacy Notice

Naviera Integral S.A. de C.V., ("THE COMPANY"), located in Arquímedes Street 209, Polanco V Secc, Zip. 11560 Mexico City, as the person in charge of collecting your personal data, in accordance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties, its Regulations and other applicable provisions make available the following "Privacy Notice" with the intention of safeguarding the integrity, privacy and protection of the Personal Data of the "Holder".


  1. Law: Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties.
  2. Regulation: The Regulation of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties.
  3. Privacy Notice: Physical, electronic document or in any other format generated by the responsible party that is made available to the owner, prior to the processing of their personal data, in accordance with article 15 of the Law.
  4. Databases: The ordered set of personal data referring to an identified or identifiable person.
  5. Blocking: The identification and preservation of personal data once the purpose for which they were collected has been achieved, with the sole purpose of determining possible responsibilities in relation to their treatment, up to the legal or contractual limitation period. During this period, personal data can not be processed and once this has been done, it will be canceled in the corresponding database.
  6. Personal data: Any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person.
  7. Sensitive personal data: Those who can reveal aspects such as racial or ethnic origin, present and future health status, genetic information, religious, philosophical and moral beliefs, union affiliation, political opinions, sexual preference.
  8. Days: Working days.
  9. Manager: The individual or legal entity that alone or jointly with others treats personal data on behalf of the person in charge.
  10. Person in charge: Private physical or moral person who decides on the processing of personal data ("THE COMPANY").
  11. Third: The natural or legal person, national or foreign, different from the owner or data controller.
  12. Holder: The individual to whom the personal data correspond.
  13. ARCO Rights: Rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition.
  14. Treatment: The obtaining, use, disclosure or storage of personal data, by any means. The use covers any action of access, management, use, transfer or disposition of personal data.
  15. Transfer: Any communication of data made to a person other than the person in charge or in charge of the treatment.

Personal Data

"THE COMPANY" will collect from the "Owner" the "Personal Data" necessary to fulfill the purposes indicated in this "Privacy Notice", in the following ways:

  1. Physical or electronic form: "THE COMPANY" may collect the "Personal Data" in a physical or electronic way; The requested Data may include, but not limited to, the full name, home phone, cell phone, email, etc.
  2. Physical Form: "THE COMPANY", IF will collect "Sensitive Data" only and exclusively by express consent in writing from the "Holder" through his signature or electronic signature.

Purposes of Data Processing

"THE COMPANY" will treat the "Personal Data" only and exclusively according to the following purposes:

  1. Primary purposes: Those necessary for the relationship between "THE COMPANY" in its character of "Responsible" of the information and the "Owner" of the "Personal Data" to subsist.
  2. Secondary purposes: "THE COMPANY" will not have the power to treat the "Personal Data" of the "Holder" for secondary or accessory purposes; unless expressly authorized by the same.

ARCO rights

  1. It is the right of the "Holder" to know the "Treatment" that is given to his "Personal Data", as well as the conditions of use that the "Responsible" provides ("Access").
  2. It is the right of the "Holder" to request the correction of his "Personal Data" in case it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete ("Rectification");
  3. It is the right of the "Holder" to request the elimination of his "Personal Data" from the "Databases" of the "Responsible"; the above when it considers that it is not being used properly ("Cancellation");
  4. It is the right of the "Holder" to oppose the use of his "Personal Data" for secondary purposes ("Opposition").

To exercise the "ARCO Rights", the "Owner" must follow the following procedure:

  1. Request "THE COMPANY" by email ( the "ARCO Law Format", hereinafter the "Format".
  2. The "Format" filled out and signed must be forwarded to the aforementioned email address, which must be accompanied by the following scanned documentation:
    1. Official Identification (Passport, National Military Service Card or Professional Certificate).
    2. In the cases of the legal representative addition to the identity of both, the corresponding power of attorney.
    3. When you want to exercise the right of rectification, you must deliver the documentation that proves the requested change according to the Personal Data to be rectified.
  3. The response to said Format will be carried out by "THE COMPANY" through the "Manager" during the next 20 business days counted from the date on which it was received. The "Manager" may extend this term in the event that the information provided in the application is insufficient to attend it.

The resolution adopted by the "Manager" will be communicated to the "Holder" through the options chosen by him, which are established in the Format.

Limitation Of Use Or Disclosure Of Your Personal Data

"THE COMPANY" undertakes not to use the "Personal Data" of the "Holder" in a manner different from that described in the purposes mentioned above in this "Privacy Notice", as well as not to allow the "Transfer" thereof without express authorization of the "Holder".


The "Personal Data" will be kept until the purpose for which they were collected is fulfilled, the foregoing with the sole purpose of determining possible responsibilities in relation to their treatment. For the above, and once the purpose for which they were collected, "THE COMPANY" is committed to "Block" the "Personal Data" until the legal or contractual limitation period is met, after the statute of limitations period it will be canceled in the corresponding "Database".

Changes To The Privacy Notice

  • "THE COMPANY" reserves the right to make modifications or updates to this "Privacy Notice" at any time, for the validity thereof in consideration of legislative reforms, changes in internal policies or new requirements for the provision or offering of its services.
  • So "THE COMPANY" is obliged to keep updated this "Privacy Notice", for consultation within their Internet portals. This in order that the "Owner" is able to exercise their "ARCO Rights".
  • This "Privacy Notice" will be governed by the legal provisions applicable in Mexico City, in particular, by the provisions of the “Law” and other applicable provisions.