Terms Of Service

Naviera Integral S.A. de C.V. (hereinafter "THE COMPANY"), with address in Arquímedes Street 209, Polanco V Secc, Zip. 11560 Mexico City., is the owner of the ________ website (hereinafter the "Website").

Terms Of Use

  • These Conditions of Use (hereinafter the "Conditions"), are intended to provide the user with information related to "THE COMPANY", its activities and products, as well as its different business areas.
  • Both navigation and access to the information published on this “Website”, imply the acceptance of the User, without any reservation, of the acceptance of the Conditions specified therein.
  • "THE COMPANY" may, at any time and without prior notice, modify these Conditions, by publishing said modifications on the "Website".
  • "THE COMPANY" has the power to reserve and restrict access to the "Website" to Users who misuse the content and / or breach any of the conditions that appear in this document.
  • The user undertakes to make diligent use of the "Website", as well as the information contained therein, with the understanding that the Information contained therein is only and exclusively owned by "THE COMPANY".
  • The User undertakes to make exclusive use of the "Website", as well as all its contents, for lawful and non-prohibited purposes, that do not infringe or directly or indirectly infringe the current legal provisions, the legitimate rights of "THE COMPANY" or from any third party.

Intellectual Property

  • For the purposes of this "Legal Notice" is considered "Content", but not limited to, texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or sound content, as well as its graphic design and source codes.
  • All the "Content" published on this site are protected by the Copyright laws and other related International and Mexican provisions.
  • It is strictly forbidden to reproduce, copy, distribute, publish, transmit, disseminate, or commercially exploit the "Content" published on the "Website".
  • The use of the "Content" of this site should be only personal and not commercial. No other use is allowed, also "THE COMPANY" is not responsible for the content of the Linked Sites.
  • The user will be liable for damages that "THE COMPANY" may suffer as a result of the breach of any of the obligations and conditions of the "Website."

Privacy Policy

  • For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, personal information should be understood as the information that the User provides at the time of opening a Service Account and that contains the information concerning an identified or identifiable natural or legal person (hereinafter, "the Personal information").
  • "THE COMPANY" makes available to the User, through its “Website”, its Privacy Notice, through which the terms and conditions in which the personal data collected from the Users will be processed are disclosed, as well as the way to exercise your ARCO rights. "THE COMPANY" reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to legislative or jurisprudential developments as well as to industry practices. In these cases "THE COMPANY" will announce on this page the changes introduced with reasonable anticipation of its implementation.
  • Except in the fields where the opposite is indicated, the answers to the questions about Personal Data are voluntary, without the lack of answer implying a decrease in the quality or quantity of the corresponding services, unless otherwise indicated.
  • The User guarantees that the Personal Data provided to “THE COMPANY” are true and is responsible for communicating any changes therein.
  • "THE COMPANY" has adopted the levels of security of protection of the Personal Data legally required, and seeks to install those other means and additional technical measures at its disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the Data Personnel provided to "THE COMPANY".
  • The User acknowledges and accepts that "THE COMPANY" may provide the Personal Data to its subsidiaries and / or affiliates.

Use Of Cookies

The Cookies that are used on the websites and websites of the Portal can be served by "THE COMPANY", in which case they are served from the different servers operated by them, or from the servers of certain third parties that provide services to us and serve the Cookies on behalf of "THE COMPANY".

Legislation And Jurisdiction

The access and use of the "Website" will be governed and interpreted in accordance with the legislation applicable to Mexico City. Any controversy that may arise between "THE COMPANY" and the users of the "Website", will be resolved, with express waiver of the Parties to their own jurisdiction, by the Courts and Tribunals of Mexico City.